Industrial Disputes Act

Purpose & Object
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 has been enacted to provide machinery for peaceful resolution of Industrial Disputes and to promote harmonious relation between employers and workers..
Applicability / Eligibility
  • The coverage of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 extends to whole of India
  • Applicable to all industrial and commercial establishments
  • Covers all workers and supervisors drawing salaries up to Rs. 1600/- per month
  • Not applicable to person employed in managerial and administrative capacities
Main Provisions
  • Defines terms 'Industry', 'Industrial Dispute', 'Lay-off', 'Strike', 'Lockout', 'Retrenchment', 'Trade Union' etc
  • Provides machinery for investigation and settlement of 'Industrial Disputes' through Works Committees, Conciliation Officers, Boards of Conciliation, Courts of Inquiry, Labour Courts, Industrial Tribunals, voluntary Arbitration and Collective Bargaining
  • Provides for setting-up of 'Grievance Settlement Authority' (GSA) in certain establishments
  • Provides for notice of change in employment conditions
  • Provides Strike, Lockout & Retrenchment procedures
  • Provides for Lay-off & Retrenchment Compensation
  • Provides for Compensation to workmen in case of transfer of undertakings
  • Protection of workmen during pendency of proceedings
  • Provides for Right to Appeal
  • Provides for Reopening of Closed Undertakings
  • Lays down provisions regarding Unfair Labour Practices
  • Provides Obligations & Rights of Employees

Services We Offer

We are Industrial & Labour Law Consultants and at Rane & Associates, we provide following services in relation to the provisions of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947:

  • Providing day to day consultancy on matters pertaining to Industrial Disputes Act
  • Assistance to the Management in the proceedings of Works Committees, Conciliation Officers, Boards of Conciliation, Courts of Inquiry, Labour Courts,Industrial Tribunals, Arbitration
  • Preparing Proposal on behalf of the Management to be placed during the process of Mediation / Collective Bargaining
  • Negotiating on behalf of the Management against the claims of the Trade Unions
  • Assisting in the process of Industrial Dispute Resolution upon invitation of the parties to act as independent 3rd Party in the event of requirement of professional reference
  • Assistance in setting-up of 'Grievance Settlement Authority
  • Assistance to the Management in ensuring / complying various provisions of the Act related to disclosures, notices, displays, etc.
  • Assistance in Reopening of Closed Undertakings
  • Assistance in settling compensation issues in case of transfer of undertakings
  • Replying / Satisfying Show Cause Notices issued under the Act
  • Assisting the Management during the Inquiries conducted under the Act
  • Filing / defending Appeals under the Act